General Special Assistance Questions

  • We understand that having a hidden disability can often make travelling a more daunting and challenging experience. As an airline we are committed to making your journey as accessible and smooth as possible.
  • The sunflower lanyard is designed as a subtle way of indicating someone has a hidden disability and may require some extra assistance. We are proud to say that Ryanair officially recognises the sunflower symbol and the benefits it brings to our customers.
  • Lanyards are available at all participating airports on our network and can be collected from ‘special assistance’ and reception areas.
  • For more information about the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower, you can visit their website here.

If you are in any doubt about your fitness to fly we recommend that you contact your doctor.
Ryanair only requests medical clearance in certain circumstances.
Examples include recent illness, hospitalization, injury, surgery or a long standing condition when special services may be required, e.g. therapeutic oxygen.
Customers with medical conditions such as heart disease or breathing difficulties are recommended to discuss their trip with their doctor prior to making a reservation.

If you have a broken limb in a cast you should advise Ryanair of both your condition and assistance requirements (if applicable). If you are traveling with upper limbs in cast, waist and above, you will only require one seat.
If you are travelling with a full leg in cast you must purchase *3 seats* in total, per journey, to travel. This will enable the leg to be elevated during the flight and reduce swelling. If you are travelling with lower leg in plaster, below the knee only, you will only require one seat. If a plaster cast has been fitted on any limb for less than 48 hours then the cast needs to be split (the split needs to run along the entire length of the cast).
If the plaster cast been fitted for more than 48 hours there is no requirement for the cast to be split. This is applicable for both plaster of pairs and resin casts.

There is no reason why a person with insulin-dependent diabetes cannot fly. However, it is best to discuss with your doctor how to manage your insulin needs. Passengers with diabetes do not require a medical agreement to travel on Ryanair flights as long as their condition is stable, and they are able to administer their own medical treatment.

If you are unable to administer your own treatment, you should bring someone with you to provide the necessary assistance. Passengers must be provided with a letter from their doctor confirming their need to carry syringes, needles, and medication in the aircraft cabin. Since airport security checks are not Ryanair's responsibility, you will always need to have a doctor's letter stating that you need to carry "sharp" objects on board an aircraft. Passengers should keep and then discard any syringes, needles or medication after leaving the aircraft as these should not be disposed of onboard.

Customers with nut allergies are asked to inform cabin crew when boarding the flight and a public address is then made informing other customers and advising that no products containing nuts will be sold onboard. While other customers are asked not to open peanut products on board, Ryanair cannot guarantee a peanut-free aircraft.

Every Ryanair aircraft has an onboard aisle wheelchair, which crew use to assist reduced mobility passengers getting to and from the aircraft toilet door.

For health and safety reasons our crew cannot assist customers with the following:

  • Moving customers from their seat to the onboard wheelchair or from the chair onto the toilet;
  • Administering medication.

We have 3 toilets onboard - 2 at the rear and 1 at the front of the aircraft. They are all equipped with a grip bar.

All air carriers reserve the right to refuse to carry passengers with conditions that may worsen, or have serious consequences for them or their fellow passengers during the flight.
There are some conditions that require medical clearance before you will be allowed to fly. We recommend that you consult with your doctor in advance of travel if you have recently had surgery or if you suffer from any of the conditions listed below.
Please note that this list is simply a guideline, you should contact your doctor with any queries about your own suitability to fly.


Travel Allowed After (No. of days)

Appendectomy or abdominal keyhole surgery

4 days

Broken Bones

Passengers should pre advise Ryanair of their condition and assistance requirements (if applicable) at the time of booking online or via our Special Assistance line or chat preferably on the day of booking.

Cataract or corneal laser or other eye surgery

1 day

Chronic bronchitis, emphysema or other forms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

You may be able to travel with therapeutic oxygen. There is a charge for this service and it must be booked in advance of travel by calling our Special Assistance Call Centre line or through our chat.


Unless advised otherwise by your doctor, you should not travel within 24 hours of a grand mal fit.

Heart Attack

Unless advised otherwise by your doctor you should not fly within 7 days of a heart attack and only then if it is essential (e.g. if you need to be repatriated from overseas) and, ideally, delay travel for up to 4 weeks or longer if there any complications.

Infectious Disease

All airlines reserve the right to refuse to carry passengers with conditions that may worsen or have serious consequences for themselves or other passengers during the flight. 

Major chest, abdominal or cranial surgery, or middle ear surgery

10 days


6 days