Special Assistance

Booking Special Assistance

  • We recommend that you request these services when you book your flight, but you can pre-book them on the Ryanair website up to 48 hours before the scheduled flight departure time.
  • After this time and up to 12 hours prior to scheduled flight departure, passengers should contact our Special Assistance team (subject to opening hours).
  • If you do not provide 48 hours' notice, the required assistance may not be available and your travel plans may be disrupted.
  • In order for an airport to provide pre-booked special assistance, passengers should present themselves at the airport special assistance desk 2 hours before their flight departure time.
  1. Click ‘My Bookings’ on Ryanair’s website.
  2. Log into your myRyanair account.
  3. Select ‘Manage this booking’ on the booking you need to change.
  4. Select the ‘Request special assistance’ option.
  5. Choose the passenger(s) that require special assistance.
  6. Confirm the type of special assistance required for outbound and return flight.
  7. In case you need a different type of special assistance for the return flight, toggle on the option below.
  8. Click ‘Save’ to save new details to your booking.
  9. You will receive an updated email itinerary with the special assistance required added.

  Add Special Assistance

There are a number of different types of airport special assistance available which can be booked in advance online or by contacting our Special Assistance Team. Please see a summary below which should assist you in choosing the correct level of assistance:

  • Passenger requires assistance (departure & arrival) through the airport to the boarding gate - select option WCHR
  • Passenger requires assistance (departure & arrival) through the airport and lift on/off to/from the aircraft seat - select option WCHC
  • Passenger requires assistance (departure & arrival) through the airport and up/down the aircraft steps - select option WCHS
  • Blind/vision impaired passenger requires a walker (departure & arrival) through the airport to the aircraft seat and separate safety briefing from the cabin crew - select option BLND
  • Passenger travelling with a guide/assistance dog that requires a walker (departure & arrival) through the airport to the aircraft seat and separate safety briefing from the cabin crew - select option BDGR
  • Passenger is blind or vision impaired but requires no assistance (travelling alone or accompanied) - select option BLDP
  • Passenger with cognitive or non-visible disability requiring assistance- select option DPNA. Please contact our Special Assistance team to provide details on the type and level of assistance required
  • Passenger is profoundly deaf - select option DEAF
  • Passenger travelling with a guide / assistance dog – no special assistance services required - select option PETC
  • A passenger requiring in-flight therapeutic oxygen must pre-book and pay for the service at least 7 days prior to travel, by contacting our Special Assistance Line - select option OXYG

We are committed to providing appropriate seating for those requiring special assistance, within the constraints of safety guidelines and available seating options.

If you have booked one of the below types of assistance, we will allocate you a suitable seat on-board, free of charge, along with one travel companion.

For safety reasons customers requiring one of the below types of airport special assistance should be seated next to a window UNLESS the window seat is occupied by a travel companion or the flight load allows for empty seats between the disabled customer and the window.

  • Assistance type (BDGR) - Customer travelling with a guide/assistance dog that requires a walker through the airport (departure & arrival) to the aircraft seat and separate safety briefing from cabin crew.
  • Assistance type (PETC) - Customer travelling with a guide/assistance dog, but requires no special airport special services.
  • Assistance type (WCHC) - Customer requires assistance through the airport (departure & arrival) and to be lifted on/off the aircraft and to the aircraft seat.
  • Assistance type (WCHS) - Customer requires assistance through the airport (departure & arrival) and up/down the aircraft steps.
  • Assistance type (DPNA): Passenger with cognitive or non-visible disability requiring assistance - select option DPNA. Please contact our Special Assistance team to provide details on the type and level of assistance required.
  • Assistance type (BLND) - Blind/Vision impaired customer requires a walker (departure & arrival) through the airport to the aircraft seat and separate safety briefing from the cabin crew.

Please note: Emergency exit row seats cannot be used by passengers requiring airport special assistance of any kind.

To ensure your safety and comfort, cabin crew must ensure that access to emergency equipment and escape routes is not obstructed. As a result, you may not be able to sit in certain seats, or you may need to be moved to another seat for safety reasons.

Our seat rows are spaced 73.66 cm (29 inches) apart, and the minimum width between armrests is 39.37 cm (15.5 inches). The minimum size of our plane doors is 76.2 cm x 165.1 cm (30 x 65 inches). If the size of our seats or doors does not meet your specific needs, you may not be able to board the plane.

Aircraft Capacity Emergency Exit  
Boeing 737-800 189 1ABC, 16A-F, and 17A-F No movable armrests are available on all seats located next to a window, as well as in row/seat 1ABC, 2DEF, 16A-F, and 17A-F.
Boeing 737-Max 8200 197 1BC, 2ABC, 17A-F, 18A-F, 28B-E, 29A-F No movable armrests are available on all seats located next to a window, as well as in row/seat 1BC, 2A, 2DEF, 17A-F, 18A-F, 28B-E, 29A, F and 34A, B, E, F.

Need more help? Speak directly to one of our Special Assistance agents by phone.

+35315757852 Calls charged at local rate.
Calls from mobiles and other networks may cost more.

The above Special Assistance phone line is open:

Monday-Friday - 9:00-22:00 – CET

Saturday - 9:00-19:00 CET

Sunday - 10:00-19:00 CET

Chat with a Special Assistance Agent for free.


Please note only calls connected with our customer support agents are recorded for training and quality purposes, in addition to the purposes indicated in our privacy policy.

All recordings are retained for at least 90 days.

If you have a query or wish to make a complaint in relation to Special Assistance you can do so by following the link below:


General Special Assistance Questions

  • We understand that having a hidden disability can often make travelling a more daunting and challenging experience. As an airline we are committed to making your journey as accessible and smooth as possible.
  • The sunflower lanyard is designed as a subtle way of indicating someone has a hidden disability and may require some extra assistance. We are proud to say that Ryanair officially recognises the sunflower symbol and the benefits it brings to our customers.
  • Lanyards are available at all participating airports on our network and can be collected from ‘special assistance’ and reception areas.
  • For more information about the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower, you can visit their website here.

If you are in any doubt about your fitness to fly we recommend that you contact your doctor.
Ryanair only requests medical clearance in certain circumstances.
Examples include recent illness, hospitalization, injury, surgery or a long standing condition when special services may be required, e.g. therapeutic oxygen.
Customers with medical conditions such as heart disease or breathing difficulties are recommended to discuss their trip with their doctor prior to making a reservation.

If you have a broken limb in a cast you should advise Ryanair of both your condition and assistance requirements (if applicable). If you are traveling with upper limbs in cast, waist and above, you will only require one seat.
If you are travelling with a full leg in cast you must purchase *3 seats* in total, per journey, to travel. This will enable the leg to be elevated during the flight and reduce swelling. If you are travelling with lower leg in plaster, below the knee only, you will only require one seat. If a plaster cast has been fitted on any limb for less than 48 hours then the cast needs to be split (the split needs to run along the entire length of the cast).
If the plaster cast been fitted for more than 48 hours there is no requirement for the cast to be split. This is applicable for both plaster of pairs and resin casts.

There is no reason why a person with insulin-dependent diabetes cannot fly. However, it is best to discuss with your doctor how to manage your insulin needs. Passengers with diabetes do not require a medical agreement to travel on Ryanair flights as long as their condition is stable, and they are able to administer their own medical treatment.

If you are unable to administer your own treatment, you should bring someone with you to provide the necessary assistance. Passengers must be provided with a letter from their doctor confirming their need to carry syringes, needles, and medication in the aircraft cabin. Since airport security checks are not Ryanair's responsibility, you will always need to have a doctor's letter stating that you need to carry "sharp" objects on board an aircraft. Passengers should keep and then discard any syringes, needles or medication after leaving the aircraft as these should not be disposed of onboard.

Customers with nut allergies are asked to inform cabin crew when boarding the flight and a public address is then made informing other customers and advising that no products containing nuts will be sold onboard. While other customers are asked not to open peanut products on board, Ryanair cannot guarantee a peanut-free aircraft.

Every Ryanair aircraft has an onboard aisle wheelchair, which crew use to assist reduced mobility passengers getting to and from the aircraft toilet door.

For health and safety reasons our crew cannot assist customers with the following:

  • Moving customers from their seat to the onboard wheelchair or from the chair onto the toilet;
  • Administering medication.

We have 3 toilets onboard - 2 at the rear and 1 at the front of the aircraft. They are all equipped with a grip bar.

Accompanying Passengers

For safety reasons on Ryanair flights we require a non disabled person aged 18 and over to accompany a reduced mobility passenger who is not self-reliant.

The following information regarding air passenger self-reliance is set out by the UK Department for Transport - Access to Air Travel for Disabled People: Code of Practice (July 2008) and in the Guidelines of the European Commission on the application of Regulation EC 1107/2006 (2012).

Each passenger must be self-reliant by reference to all of the categories below. If not, then he/she must travel with a non disabled accompanying adult aged 18 and over who is capable of providing the assistance required. Otherwise, the passenger will be denied boarding.

  • Passengers must be able to fasten and unfasten their seatbelt when instructed to do so by crew;
  • Passengers must be able to retrieve and fit a lifejacket unaided when instructed to do so by crew;
  • Passengers must be able to don an oxygen mask unaided when instructed to do so by crew;
  • Passengers must be able to understand the safety briefing and any advice and instructions given by the crew in an emergency situation.

Additional requirements

We also require passengers who need assistance in any of the following areas to travel with a personal assistant. Failure to do so will lead to denial of boarding if we reasonably believe that the passengers’ carriage may pose a risk to safety.

  • Feeding (passengers must be able to feed themselves unaided);
  • Toileting (passengers must be able to use to the toilet facilities unaided);
  • Medicating (passenger must be capable of administering their own medicines and medical procedures).

Each non disabled accompanying adult cannot assist more than one reduced mobility passenger and must purchase the prevailing adult fare. Where a reduced mobility passenger is travelling with an accompanying adult, we will do our best to ensure the accompanying passenger is seated next to them.

In order for an airport to provide pre-booked special assistance, passengers must present at the special assistance desk at least 2 hours before their flight departure.

Passengers with pre-booked assistance requirements should arrive at the boarding gate at least 30 minutes prior to the flight departure.

Postural Support Aids

If you wish to use one of the accepted postural aids onboard (see list below), please ensure that you contact us at least 48 hours before your scheduled departure time, although we would recommend to add your postural support at the time of booking to inform us and we will allocate a seat that is suitable to the support system, free of charge.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept postural support aids for use on-board if they have not been approved by an aviation authority such as EASA, IAA, UK CAA, FAA or a similar body. There are a number of child restraints and postural supports that are accepted for use onboard our aircraft. Ryanair do not provide these items. These supports may be used in addition to an aircraft safety belt, subject to certain safety restrictions.

Unfortunately we are unable to permit the use of postural supports for children under 2 years.

Information on these products listed below can be found on the internet through the links below and we recommend you research this information before making your booking to see if your needs can be met. The following postural supports are permitted for use onboard which must be supplied and fitted by the passenger:

  1. Meru Travel Chair (provided by the passenger)

The Meru Travel Chair provides postural support for children aged approximately 3 – 11 years who are unable to use the aircraft seating when flying on commercial aircraft.

  1. Crelling Harness (provided by the passenger)

HSB1 - This support consists of shoulder straps only, which are designed to convert a simple belt into a supportive harness - Suitable for passengers from 9 years to adult.
Model 27 - This is a full 5 point harness designed to offer additional support and is suitable for passengers from 2 years to adult. Passengers using postural supports must be accompanied by an adult (over 18).
The Crelling harness must be used as per manufacturer’s instructions (weight, age, installation) and it would be helpful for passengers to have the installation instructions available for reference on board.

  1. Amsafe CARES (Child Aviation Restraint System) (provided by the passenger)

This is a belt and buckle device that attaches directly to the aircraft seat and is used in conjunction with the aircraft seatbelt. It is designed specifically for aviation use for children who weigh between 22 and 44 pounds (10kg - 20kg).
The restraint must be provided by the passenger themselves and must be used as per the manufacturer's instructions (weight, age, installation) and it would be helpful for passengers to have the installation instructions available for reference on-board. 
A passenger using the CARES restraint must be accompanied by an adult (over 18). 

  1. Firefly GoTo Seat Size 2 (provided by the passenger)

This is a lightweight, portable seating solution for children 2-5 years needing additional postural support and stability. 

  1. Burnett Body Support (provided by the passenger)

The system is based around a sealed welded casing filled with micro beads, which flow to mould to an individual's profile. By extracting the air via a valve the casing contracts and the beads static nature bring them together to provide a mould. This system is available in different sizes to meet the physical dimensions of the individual passenger. 
The above information is for passengers, who cannot sit upright unaided and who do not meet the criteria for sitting on an adults lap or for using a car seat onboard.

Electric Wheelchairs & Mobility Scooters

To add equipment while booking your flight, select online that you're travelling with electric wheelchair/scooter, and you will receive an email requesting details of your mobility device.

You can also add equipment through the below online form, or by contacting our special assistance team.

Electronic mobility device form

  • make
  • weight
  • battery type
  • size dimensions including the lowest collapsed height of the wheelchair

If you have reduced mobility, you are entitled to bring two pieces of mobility equipment, as well as any medical equipment you need for the duration of your stay, on the plane free of charge.

Due to space limitations, we can only accept two Electric Wheelchairs or Mobility Scooters per flight, so we recommend adding equipment at the time of booking.

Passengers are asked to bring the operation instructions to the airport.

For safety reasons, electric wheelchairs/mobility scooter must comply with the following to be accepted for carriage:

  • The dimensions of the wheelchair when collapsed must not exceed 81cms (height), 119cms (width) and 119cms (depth). Size restrictions for Wheelchairs/Mobility Scooters are due to the aircraft maximum door opening dimensions.
  • Wheelchairs/Mobility Scooters weighing more than 150kg require pre-authorization and will not be accepted for carriage without this.
  • The battery power must be isolated and exposed terminals protected from short circuiting, to protect the wheelchair/mobility aid from inadvertent activation, please remove the key, deactivate using the joystick or deactivate using an isolation switch or buttons, or other isolation mechanism (such as Anderson Connector or Airsafe plug).

  • We only accept dry/gel cell or lithium-ion (wheelchair) batteries (lithium-ion batteries cannot exceed a total of 300 watts) for a device that is powered by two batteries, each battery must not exceed 160wh.

  • Customers can carry a maximum of two spare lithium ion batteries in carry-on baggage and these must be individually protected to prevent short circuits. Battery terminals must be either recessed or packaged so as to prevent contact with metal objects including terminals of other batteries.

  • The 32kg single item weight limit does not apply to mobility equipment.

Guide & Assistance Dogs

  • Flights to/from Morocco;
  • Flights to/from Israel.
  • All Ryanair intra EU/EEA flights;
  • All Ryanair domestic flights.

When entering the UK or Republic of Ireland, passenger’s travelling with a guide/assistance dog must carry either a Valid EU pet passport or Third country official veterinary health certificate (plus required medical documentation).
The EU Pet Passport or veterinary health certificate must be supported with documentation confirming that the guide/assistance dog is affiliated to one of the following organisations to enable entry to the UK or the Republic of Ireland:

  • International Guide Dog Federation;
  • Assistance Dogs UK;
  • Assistance Dogs International (ADI).

Passengers travelling with a guide/assistance dog must carry a valid Pets Passport or third country official veterinary certificate (plus required medical documentation) on all EU/EEA flights.
The EU Pet Passport or veterinary health certificate must be supported with documentation confirming that the guide/assistance dog is affiliated to one of the following organizations to enable entry to EU/EEA countries:

  • International Guide Dog Federation;
  • Assistance Dogs International (ADI).

The dogs must have a pet passport or, in countries that don’t issue pet passports, they must have an official veterinary health certificate.

It is the passenger’s responsibility to ensure that the Pet Passport presented is up to date and complies with the vaccination and treatment requirements of the destination country. We cannot accept liability for any guide/assistance dogs that are incorrectly documented. We recommend if you have any doubts about your dog’s eligibility to travel that you contact the destination airport prior to travel, to confirm Pet Passport details.

Guide dog and assistance dog owners in countries which do not issue Pet Passports, will need to obtain an official veterinary health certificate to show that their dog complies with the rules of the Pet Travel Scheme.

  • To be accepted on a Ryanair flight a guide/assistance dog must be trained to perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability (physical, sensory or psychiatric) and must be certified by an organization that is a full member of Assistance Dogs International (ADI), Assistance Dogs UK or International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF), the accrediting bodies for assistance dog organizations worldwide;
  • Emotional support or therapy dogs that are not recognized as assistance dogs by the above organizations are not permitted to travel with Ryanair;
  • The guide/assistance dog shall wear a standard identifying jacket or harness throughout the journey;
  • Guide/assistance dogs travel in the aircraft cabin and must sit on the floor at the passenger's feet. A maximum of four guide/assistance dogs are permitted per flight. The dog along with containers and food are carried free of charge;
  • Any passenger wishing to travel with their guide/assistance dog on board should pre-advise us preferably on the same day as booking. This can be done online or via the Ryanair Special Assistance team;
  • A suitable harness, (which must be provided by the owner) must be attached to the owners seat belt or to the seat belt buckle and must be utilized to provide the dog with an effective level of restraint during take-off, landing and turbulence. There may be other devices available with alternative attachment points that would also provide adequate restraint. Any arrangement that adequately secures the assistance dog is acceptable.

Please note: failure to pre-advise us may result in the service being unavailable on arrival at the airport and you being unable to travel on your booked flight.
If you are blind/visually impaired, but do not require any airport assistance, you should still notify us in advance of your flight, preferably on the day of booking.
This is to ensure that the cabin crew can provide an appropriate safety demonstration.

Carriage of Medical Equipment

If you wish to carry or use a special medical item onboard you must submit your requirements for via the online form. Our special assistance team will review and determine if your request can be approved. If approved, we will provide you with written authorisation of this. 

Bringing Medical Equipment as Checked Luggage

If you need to include medical equipment in your checked-in luggage, please contact our Special Assistance Line to obtain a ‘Checked Baggage Waiver’ letter. You will need to present this letter to staff at the bag-drop desk.

Bringing Medical Equipment as Carry-On Baggage

If you prefer to bring medical equipment as carry-on, please reach out to our Special Assistance Line to request a ‘Cabin Baggage Waiver’ letter. This letter must be shown to staff at the boarding gate.

For any additional assistance or questions, our Special Assistance team is here to help ensure a smooth and comfortable journey. You can reach out to them via chat or phone for support.

A medical equipment baggage waiver letter is required to carry any medical equipment onboard a Ryanair flight.

Passengers with pre – existing medical conditions who need to carry medical equipment in addition to their checked/hand baggage allowance must contact our Special Assistance team in advance.

On provision of a doctor’s letter confirming the requirements a medical baggage waiver letter will be issued. Only Items listed in the waiver letter will be accepted for carriage free of charge. Please ensure that these items are packed separately and available for inspection at the airport.

A Fit to Fly Form is required to be completed when fitness to travel is in doubt as a result of recent illness, hospitalization, injury or surgery, if you have an existing unstable medical condition, if you wish to use medical equipment or therapeutic oxygen on-board.

If you are in any doubt about your fitness to fly, please consult your doctor before booking your flight. A Fit to Fly Form can be obtained by contacting our Special Assistance team.

These devices may be carried in the cabin of the aircraft without prior notification if the device fits in your cabin baggage. However, if the device will be carried in addition to your baggage allowance you must obtain a medical baggage waiver letter by contacting our Special Assistance team.

These machines are not permitted for use onboard.

These devices may be carried in the cabin of the aircraft without prior notification if the device fits in your cabin baggage. However, if the device will be carried in addition to your baggage allowance you must obtain a medical baggage waiver letter by contacting our Special Assistance team.

If you wish to use a nebuliser, ventilator, respirator or any other respiratory device during your flight please contact our Special Assistance line to obtain prior approval. To use one of these machines onboard you will need to complete a “Fit to fly form” which will be sent to you once you have contacted our Special Assistance team.

Certain items such as Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) that meet regulatory requirements are approved for onboard use. Other medical equipment such as a CPAP or Portable Dialysis machine can be carried but not used onboard.

EpiPens, capsules, tablets, pills, liquid medications (such as syrups or drops), inhalers, topical medications (like creams or gels), and diabetic supplies can be carried in your cabin baggage. These items are generally small in size and do not require additional consideration for their dimensions.

Passengers are permitted to carry syringes in the aircraft cabin, if they are needed for medical reasons (for example a diabetic passenger). However, passengers should carry a doctor's letter confirming their requirement.

Should you wish to carry a defibrillator in addition to or in your cabin baggage must obtain a medical equipment baggage waiver letter by contacting our Special Assistance team. This waiver letter must be presented at the bag drop desk or at the boarding gate if travelling with no checked baggage. You will need to also carry a “fit to fly form” with you to show staff on the day of travel at the airport.